Daisy Chains

Do they sit and make daisy chains? It is a communal act of bonding; a knowledge passed from one child’s fingers to another.
Pluck one with a thick enough stem.
Split the stem with your fingernail.
Pluck another.
Pass this stem through the hole in the other. Split this stem.
Pluck another.
Pass the stem through the hole. Split the stem.
Pluck another.
Pass the stem through.
Split one.
Pluck one.
Pass one.
And so is that how they are weaving daisy chain? Do they talk?
Do they sit outside making daisy chains? Do they sit in a circle and talk? We sit inside eating dinner and drinking wine. We sit in a circle and talk.
Do they make paper cup telephones? A sequence of paper cup and string and paper cup tied together like an equation. Do they stretch the telephone round corners? They can pass their voices through like a trade from hand to hand. Information travels the flight distance of a paper aeroplane.
Do they talk? Nonsense words woven into chains. Daisy chains. Data chains. Why don’t you go make daisy chains?
The data passes from one child’s fingers to another.
Daisy Chain Data Chain Daisy Chain Data Chain Let’s Go Build A Data Chain.
